5 Tips to reduce your environmental impact

A mini guide to start your journey in the green world.

You could be one of those people who has no idea how to reduce their impact on the environment. Maybe you think it takes too long, or too expensive, or too complicated to put into practice.
Empty your mind of the doubts you have and don't think about all these things for a few minutes, try to focus on the 5 points of this mini guide on how to become more eco-friendly.

1 - The goal to reach
There are so many things that can be done, which means that it is really important to know what you want to achieve, so that we can organize a plan that is not too complex to actually put into action.
Once you have identified the final goal you can proceed to the second step.

2 - Identify the changes
When the objective has been defined, it will be necessary to establish the key changes that are to take place.
At the beginning, it is important to focus on a few changes so that you can constantly monitor the results and identify what worked. In this way, you will be able to define the actions that can easily be repeated in everyday life.

3 - See the change
In order for this change to become a habit, we need, what we are doing, to bring real results, and this can be assessed, for example, by "analyzing" our waste, dividing what we have managed to recycle from what we have thrown away.

4 - Keeping the commitment constantly
Initially it will almost seem to follow a pattern, with rules different from those used until now, but then with the passage of time everything will become automatic. You will notice that the lifestyle has changed without realizing it.
This is the moment when the final turning point will have taken place, you will never want to go back, and you will feel compelled to keep the commitment we made to ourselves.

5 - Once again
At this point, and once the previous changes have been evaluated, this mini guide can be put into practice again as often as you like, continuing to improve the environmental impact and increasing the positive results.

That's all! The best thing to do is to start, surely, it is better to do something than nothing, and then improve it as you go along.


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